"You're in Time Out!"
It was hot and stuffy in the house. Smoke-filled air made the usual backyard outdoor time dangerous and impossible. A perfect storm of other frustrations and concerns came swirling about and the breaking point finally came.
"That's it!" I shouted. "You're in time out!"
I frantically grabbed a hat, sunglasses, n95 mask, neck gaiter, headphones and just barely remembered to put my sneakers on before storming out of the house.
For the next hour, I walked hard and fast. The sweat pooled inside the n95 and dripped down from my forehead. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I blasted my favorite band and forgot about everything else.
Then the tears came. And I let it all out.
This week has been no joke. Here in the Bay Area, we are experiencing some of the worst fires in California's history. While we are not immediately at risk, wildfires are burning north and south of us and smoke-filled air has made it difficult to spend time outdoors. Add this to the already high pandemic stress mixed in with a bunch of other goodies like ornery teens, distance learning, and other family concerns, it's been a doozy.
While it feels like there is so much out of my control, I reminded myself that I have a lot to be grateful for in these challenging moments. Focusing on gratitude is something I definitely have control over, and I'm here to tell you that you do, too!
Whether it's spending a few quiet moments sipping coffee and reading a book, chatting with a friend, or (in my case) pushing through a hard workout, savor those little morsels of goodness and you'll feel your gratitude grow!
Family Sessions This Fall
As I blow the pandemic dust off my camera and prepare for sessions this fall, I’m feeling cautious and hopeful.
Cautious about safety and being responsible.
Hopeful because I’m choosing to be more purposeful in the work I’m doing.
Now that you’re here on my newly updated website (yay!), click around to learn more about the options available and how photo sessions in the time of COVID-19 will look, with safety at the top of the list!
This is all hard, but you're doing such a great job! Be gentle with yourself. When all else fails, put yourself in a time out and find the gratitude.