Hi, I'm Lori.

Since February is all about SELF (more on that in this post), I thought I'd re-introduce mySELF in case you're new around here! ;) Photo credit: Tamara Lackey Photography

Hi, I'm Lori! I am a sunshine loving, Bay Area living, passionately creative gal. I am also a mom who stepped away from teaching after ten years to stay home and raise a family. It was a decision my husband and I both knew was the right one for our little family. Sometime in the midst of the foggy, sleep-deprived, postpartum days of caring for a toddler and newborn, I felt a strong need for an outlet - a need to do... something... that was fun, creative, and just for me. This is how I started a Photo a Day project. For two years, I carried a diaper bag on one shoulder, a camera bag on the other, and documented whatever was in front of me. Hundreds of photos, thousands of hours of training+classes+workshops later - along with an unlimited and unwavering passion and focus - Lori Fuller Photography was born.

I am a portrait photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over the past seven years, I have come to the conclusion that I love to photograph genuine emotion and the authenticity of human interaction. That's really just a fancy way of saying that I set out to document real family life in a storytelling way.

I'm also working on an exciting new division of my brand that focuses on creative storytelling imagery for female entrepreneurs. Stick around to learn more about these sessions in the coming weeks!


  • the best moments are spent around a dining room table (dinner parties with friends, family game night, Lego city creations, craft projects... to name a few)
  • my children teach me more than I teach them
  • there should always be something on the calendar to look forward to
  • dance parties in the kitchen will never get old
  • binge-watching TV shows on Netflix is the only way to watch TV (currently watching the first two seasons of Nurse Jackie and House of Cards ---> OMG Peter Russo!)
  • it takes a village

Now that you know a little bit more about me, I'd love to get to know YOU! What are your passions? What do you believe? What shows are you currently watching?


PS. My photography mentor and friend Tamara Lackey, who took the photo above that I absolutely L O V E of my crazy little family, is currently in Korah, Ethiopia helping to build out a new kitchen for a local orphan feeding center. Together, with her husband Steve, she started Beautiful Together, an organization with the goal of providing a better quality of life for orphaned children waiting for their forever families. To learn more about their organization and follow their journey of helping provide comfort for orphaned children by meeting their most basic of needs, check out Beautiful Together. Her passion, devotion and genuine-ness in everything she does is truly inspiring. xo